I love our little collaborations! Don't hesitate to contact me with your ideas. But please please please try to avoid requesting mass market replicas or copies of someone else's work! Since the standard worldwide delivery is free, if you want to return your item, that is not damaged, you are the one to cover the shipping. I don't offer covering shipping expenses in this case. I recommend choosing the most simple option available in your country, no tracking and insurance need (for Germany BUEWA or 1 euro letter works best). For damaged item please see the info below.
Yes! Most of them are natural, otherwise it says so. For example some of the beads can be synthetically produced stones. But all of them are unique, cold to touch and pretty (I make sure of that). All the stones have their character too, most of the colors are not homogenous. E.g. it's normal for lapis lazuli to have white parts - it's calcit working it's magic in the mineral. Apatite can also have white and/or brown spots and so on. All of these are signs of their natural origin and uniqueness, not flaws. The crystals in my anti-anxiety faceted gem rings are always natural.
All of it is perfect for fidgeting, especially the rings and bracelets. I found that playing with the stone beads helps me to concentrate and relax, especially in stressful situations. I love how gems are changing their temperature, how they clack, how the light breaks in them, how unique each one of them looks. I choose natural gemstones known by their anti-anxiety properties: like amethyst, rose quartz, aventurine etc. I believe that everything coming from nature has a little bit of magic in it and is able so store vibes and energy.
The best way to measure your fingers for the rings is to use piece of thread. Wrap it around your finger and then measure where the ends meet. This method can be used for bracelets and necklaces too. I can always help you with sizing. Please don't forget to consult the description of an item for it's size.
Sorry you have to wait so long! Please do get in touch with me and we will figure something out. Don't forget to check the average delivery time for your location in shop info.
Oh no! Please contact me for replacement. I pack everything as securely as possible in bubble wrap (I mostly re-use it to avoid new plastic), but sometimes stones can break during shipping. Don't hesitate to reach out! If the item was broken within a month after the purchase I can also offer a free replacement. Please kindly describe what has happened to it and include pictures. No need to send the item back.
Here are some care instructions. All the pieces are sturdy and securely made and with right care they can last so long! - Please avoid hitting stones against hard surfaces, some gems can be brittle and chip, this can affect durability and comfort. - You can get the pieces wet, but please avoid chemicals and frequent exposure to soaps, especially when there's a metal element present. Silver will tarnish in time, but can easily be cleaned. - Please avoid heat and open fire. It's better to take the jewelry off when cooking.
Elastic thread that I use is a tiny miracle. It's so comfy to wear and easy to work with - but as with any elastics with really active wear it can stretch out. But no worries, it's really easy to avoid this. - Please avoid unnecessary stretching - the pieces are meant to be played with but excessive pulling will thin the tread out. - Make sure you choose the right size of the piece. If it fits right, it's less likely to stretch. - It's helpful to leave your jewelry to lay around for couple days, so the thread can relieve the stress and come back to it's normal state (works for me too haha). Let the physics do its work.
And a general tip - make sure not to put the pieces in the washing machine... I know, happens to the best of us...
The jewellery is designed for adults. However I can make any design in children's sizes. The parent/buyer then is the one to decide whether the jewellery is suitable and appropriate for the child. The shop doesn't carry any responsibility in case when the jewellery is damaged or/and afflicts any injury while in use by a child. Please be aware of small parts and/or breakable parts. Please use common sense and use only as intended.
The crimp beads I use in almost all the jewelry are made of safe non-ferrous non-precious metal. They are totally fine for everyday wear as well for contact with water (some of my bracelets I have worn for years now). However, if you have a metal allergy (develop a rush or skin colouring while in contact with non-precious metals) you can ask me to replace the crimping bead to hippoallergenic sterling silver one. Just drop me a message if you are unsure!